Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1698 | - 1698: Dinxperlo gets its first school teacher: Heyne te Beest.
2 | 1704 | - 1704: The Bredevoort fortifications are being enhanced according to the views of the famous fortification expert Menno van Coehoorn.
3 | 1711 | - 1711: The Anabaptists build their own church in Winterswijk.
4 | 1715 | - 1715: Lightning strikes the tower of the Winterswijk church. This causes a fire, which is quickly put out.
5 | 1723 | - 1723: A fire destroys the neighboring town of Varsseveld.
6 | 1727 | - 1727: Two 'contrescarps' (steep inclines) are added in front of the two gates of Bredevoort to further protect the town.
7 | 1730 | - 1730: In Dinxperlo, sections of the common grounds are sold to clear debts with the Bredevoort administration.