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| Dover, Shawnee county, Kansas 1900 census records
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
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| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
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| John Schoemaker's will.
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| Land patent of J.A. Willink purchasing land in Allegan County, MI
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| Last will of Johanna Broekhuysen She leaves a large part of her estate to her Navis cousins/nieces and nephews.
Owner of original: Het Utrechts Archief
6 |
| Marriage record of Berend H. Wieberdink and Elizabeth Willemina Eppink.
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| Marriage record of Jan Berend Hijink and Jannetje Neuwehuysen, Milwaukee, 19 Sep 1861.
Date: 19 Sep 1861
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| Marriage record of Jan Berend Hijink and Wilhelmina Rademaker. Milwaukee, 28 Jul 1853.
Date: 28 jul 1853
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| Marriage record of Jan Derk Vreman and Hendrika Berendina Eppink.
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| Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan 1910 census records
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
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| Muskegon, Muskegon county, Michigan 1920 census records
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
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| Naturalization record of Jan Hendrik te Winkel.
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| Sale by Jan ten Bokkel X Hendersken ten Dam of their home to their son Roelof
Owner of original: Private collection