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Biography of Walter S. Droppers

Walter S. Droppers, the secretary of the Galland-Henning Pneumatic Malting Drum Company, was born in Milwaukee, Feb. 7, 1871. He is of good Dutch descent, the father, John D. Droppers, Sr., having been born in Winterswyk, Holland, and the mother, Gertrude (Boijink) Droppers, in Aalten, Holland. The mother came to this country in 1846, and the father, direct to Milwaukee, the following year. The former passed away on Feb. 21, 1878, and the latter on April i8. 1906. Walter S. Droppers, the subject of this memoir, received his preliminary education in the Milwaukee public schools and completed his scholastic labors by a course in the state normal school. He had mapped out for himself a career as a lawyer, but after five years of labor in the legal field he determined to seek other employment, and became associated with the Galland-Henning Pneumatic Malting Drum Company. He began his labors at the lowest round of the ladder, but by close application to duty he was promoted step by step until in May, 1904, at the annual meeting of the company he was made the secretary, a position which he has since filled with the utmost competency. The place he fills in the commercial life of the city may be judged from the fact that he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Fraternally he is also prominent, being a past master of Kilbourn lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and he is at present affiliated with the Ivanhoe commandery, Knights Templar. On July 18, 1895, Mr. Droppers was united in marriage to Miss Matie Fischer, daughter of Francis and Frances Fischer. Two children have come to bless this union — Genevieve and Marjorie.

Owner/SourceMemoirs of Milwaukee County : from the earliest historical times down to the present, including a genealogical and biographical record of representative families in Milwaukee County",
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