Achterhoek Ancestors

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Orange city, Sioux county, IA



Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Kastein, Anna Henrietta  Abt 1896Orange City, Sioux county, IA I3850
2 Kastein, Henry John  Abt 1892Orange City, Sioux county, IA I52459
3 ter Horst, Edward Lambertus  1903Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55557

Matches 1 to 18 of 18

   Last Name, Given Name(s)        Person ID 
1 Beijers, Gerrit H.  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I49613
2 de Vries, Clara  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55545
3 Fukkink, Renzina Wilhelmina  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55229
4 Gesink, Gerrit  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I50799
5 Gesink, Gerritjen  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I50801
6 Gesink, Johanna Geertruida  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I50800
7 Hartemink, Grada  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55275
8 Haverkamp, Gerrit H.  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I49611
9 Klein Wolterink, Jan Hendrik  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55154
10 Kleinhesselink, Johanna  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55151
11 Looyen, J.A.  Orange city, Sioux county, IA I55230
12 Luijmes, H.J.  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I49609
13 Strauder, Jacob  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55548
14 te Grootenhuis, Hendrik Willem  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I49608
15 te Grotenhuis, Arend Jan  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I55134
16 ter Horst, Gerrit Jan  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I53753
17 ter Horst, Wesselina Geertruida  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I53752
18 van der Schaaf, Aukke  Orange City, Sioux county, IA I49002


Matches 1 to 17 of 17

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Eppink / te Grotenhuis  16 Jun 1874Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13700
2 Gesink / Gesink  27 Feb 1924Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15044
3 Kastein / Leenbeek  06 Jul 1901Orange City, Sioux county, IA F14423
4 Klein Wolterink / Kleinhesselink  02 Jun 1883Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15003
5 Kleinhesselink / Harmelink  29 Jul 1876Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13699
6 Looyen / Fukkink  07 Jul 1896Orange city, Sioux county, IA F15023
7 Luijmes / van Tol  12 Mar 1874Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13702
8 Moret / Luijmes  18 Mar 1879Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13707
9 Pennings / Gesink  16 Jan 1920Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15045
10 Pennings / te Paske  23 Nov 1877Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13705
11 Rensink / Hilbrink  25 May 1872Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13706
12 Strauder / ter Horst  13 Feb 1900Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15127
13 te Grotenhuis / Hartemink  21 Aug 1881Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15042
14 te Paske / van der Schaaf  16 Feb 1882Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15130
15 ter Horst / de Vries  09 Mar 1899Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15126
16 ter Horst / Gesink  14 Feb 1924Orange City, Sioux county, IA F15131
17 van den Brake / ter Beest  18 May 1872Orange city, Sioux county, IA F13708