Achterhoek Ancestors

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West Branch, Sioux county, IA


City/Town : Latitude: 43.027808, Longitude: -96.1739116


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 te Grotenhuis, Dena  Abt 1884West Branch, Sioux county, IA I55133

Matches 1 to 28 of 28

   Last Name, Given Name(s)        Person ID 
1 Grada Cornelia  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49933
2 Aalbers, Hanna Christina  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49870
3 Doornink, Derk Antonij  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I46534
4 Doornink, Derk Willem  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I46530
5 Doornink, Gerrit Jan  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I46535
6 Eppink, Jan  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49533
7 Kruisselbrink, Janna Geertruid  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53854
8 Lubbers, Johanna Gesina  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49920
9 Pietenpol, Lambertus  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49869
10 Rensink, Berendina Aleida  West Branch, Sioux County, IA I46468
11 Rensink, Johanna Cornelia  West Branch, Sioux County, IA I46480
12 te Grotenhuis, Evert Jan  West Branch, Sioux County, IA I46465
13 te Grotenhuis, Garritjen  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I46531
14 te Grotenhuis, Gerrit Jan  West Branch, Sioux County, IA I46484
15 te Grotenhuis, Hendrika  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49534
16 te Grotenhuis, Johanna Aleida  West Branch, Sioux County, IA I46483
17 te Slaa, Dora Gesina  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53861
18 te Slaa, Geertruida  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53860
19 te Slaa, Gerrit Jan  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53862
20 te Slaa, Gerrit Jan  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53853
21 te Slaa, Hendrik  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53863
22 te Slaa, Hendrik Jan  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53858
23 te Slaa, Hendrika  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I53864
24 Wesselink, Berendina  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49922
25 Wesselink, Hendrik Jan  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49921
26 Wissink, Geretje  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49925
27 Wissink, Hermon  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49927
28 Wissink, Maanus  West Branch, Sioux county, IA I49926